Teams: Manage Members

The first step when building your team is inviting Organization Members. You won't be able to add a person to a Team if they are not an Organization Member first.

Explainer Video

Invite a Member

To invite a new Member to your Organization:

  1. Go to My Organization - Manage Members
  2. Click "Invite a Member"
  3. Fill out the form. You will be able to select an Organization Role for a new Member, and, optionally, assign them to Teams.
  4. You will see all pending invitations here: My Organization - Manage Members Invited.

Resend an Invitation

To resend an invitation:

  1. Go to My Organization - Manage Members Invited.
  2. Click three dots next to the invitation you want to resend.
  3. Click "Resend Invitation".

Revoke an Invitation

To revoke an invitation:

  1. Go to My Organization - Manage Members Invited.
  2. Click three dots next to the invitation you want to revoke.
  3. Click "Revoke Invitation".

Change Member's Organization Role

To change the Organization Role of a Member:

  1. Go to My Organization - Manage Members
  2. Click three dots next to the Member you want to edit
  3. Click "Change Member Role"
  4. Make the necessary changes and save.

Delete a Member

To remove a Member from your Organization:

  1. Go to My Organization - Manage Members
  2. Click three dots next to the Member you want to delete
  3. Select "Delete Member".
  4. Confirm that you want to delete the Member from your Organization. They will also be removed from all Teams they belong to.

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Manage Teams


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