What is manual time?

Manual time refers to hours that were worked but not tracked with the Time Tracker App due to time app issues or the work being done offline.

If an independent contractor renders work in a per-hour job but missed to track the time with the Time Tracker, they can manually add the hours to ensure their payment. This means that Clients will be billed whenever a manual time is added to a work week.

Manual time should be enabled in a contract for the independent contractor to be able to add the hours manually. Clients have the option to enable this when sending a contract or can make changes at a later time via their My Jobs page.

To enable Manual Time via My Jobs, log in to your account and follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the contract from the "My Jobs - Active Jobs" page
  • Click the More Options dropdown menu (represented by the three dots at the top right of your contract page)
  • Select "Rate/Hours Change".
    From here, Clients will be able to propose changes to the contractual terms, including enabling or disabling manual time:

Worklog screenshot 3