What are Impact and Personal Goals?

The Impact & Personal Goals is the section in your profile where you can let your clients know of your goals and what you hope to achieve in this platform in your career and personal life.

  • You can fill in your Impact and Personal Goals by clicking "Edit your profile" on your Dashboard and clicking on the tab: 
  • Click "Add Impact Goal" or "Add Personal Goal":

  • You can write a short title and a short text about your goals. Click "Save" to add the goal to your profile:


Impact Goals. Describe the effect or change that you would like to achieve with your talents or skills. They can be work-related or simply something you are passionate about and want to fight for! These are statements that let the clients know how you want to make a positive difference in the world and are a great way to attract like-minded clients.

Use my skills to protect the environment.
Advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights.
Help increase women's access to education in rural areas.

Personal Goals. Personal goals are the expressions of the things you want to achieve in life, whether at work, in business or with family. It can be short-term goals or long-term goals.


Have a self-sufficient, ecologic home. Grow my own food.
Learn a new language.
Work on a purpose-driven company.