Send these messages to your clients!

To make it easier for you to invite your existing clients to the Work for Impact platform, we’ve created some templates you can use for emails and messages. We recommend sending your clients an email so you don’t break any other platforms’ rules.

For any client

Hi [Client Name], would you be open to moving our contract to Work for Impact, another independent contractor work platform? They’re currently offering lower fees for independent contractors. And if you use my referral link, you can get 6 months of their Business plan for free (they’ll handle all the searching, interviewing, and shortlisting for one independent contractor hire every month): [link]


For larger clients

Hi [Client Name], I know you work with a lot of independent contractors, so I thought you might be interested in an offer.

Work for Impact, an independent contractor hiring platform, is currently running. If you sign up with my referral link, you’ll get 6 months of their Business plan for free, and you’ll be helping me out, too (they have a lower fee for independent contractors). Plus, if you bring 20+ independent contractors with you, you’ll get 6 months of their Enterprise plan for free. They’ll handle all your independent contractor hiring for you (including writing job posts and interviewing candidates).

Here’s the link: [Your Referral Link]

Are you open to moving our contract to Work for Impact?

Want to put your client in touch with someone at Work for Impact?

You can connect your client with our Customer Success team at


Hi [Client Name],

 I wanted to connect you with the Customer Success Team at Work for Impact.


Work for Impact is an on-demand hiring platform, and they’re currently offering referred clients 6 months of their Business plan for free. On WFI Business, you get Concierge Hiring for one job per month, meaning their hiring team will do all the job post writing, interviewing, and shortlisting for you. If you bring 20+ independent contractors to their platform, you get upgraded to their Enterprise plan – which comes with unlimited Concierge Hiring.


This would also be doing me a huge favour. Some other platforms have increased their independent contractor fees recently, and WFI has agreed to lock in a lower fee for the lifetime of any contract I move to the platform.


The team will be able to tell you more about Work for Impact. I hope you find the platform helpful!

