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Fixed or hourly rates. Our premium client services team can help you find high-quality, skill-verified freelance Product Designers. Secure payments, transparent process.

Group 1518-Jul-15-2021-09-56-39-21-AM
Manuela C.
Product Design Engineer
map-marker-alt icon Bogota, CO
  • Skills:
  • Brand Design, Brand Strategy, Adobe Illustrator, Graphic Design, 3D Modeling, Adobe Photoshop, Product Design
Santiago T.
Industrial Designer
$17 / hour
map-marker-alt icon Mexico City, MX
  • Skills:
  • Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Product Design, Rhinoceros, Package Design
Sara P.
Industrial designer
$45 / hour
map-marker-alt icon Rome, IT
  • Skills:
  • Adobe After Effects, 3D Rendering, Adobe Illustrator, Graphic Design, 3D Modeling, Industrial Design

Featured Product Designers from our pool of 20,000+ freelancers


Flexible hiring options for all types of projects

Group 1501

Short-term projects

Access a ready pool of experts for specific tasks.

Group 1502

Ongoing projects

Create a specialized go-to team for recurring projects.

Group 1503

Full-time projects

Grow your team seamlessly with dedicated contractors.

Group 1504

“Using Work for Impact has helped me find people with the right attitude and skills. Those who care who they work for.”

Arquaam, GmbH


Group 1505

“Work for Impact makes it easy! You get passionate capable contractors that fit your need on demand.”

Plastic Oceans Canada

ADRIAN MIDWOOD, Executive Director


About Work for Impact

Group 1478

Work for Impact is a freelance platform designed specifically for socially, environmentally responsible, and nonprofit organizations. We offer access to a talented workforce to organizations and provide exciting paid work opportunities to freelancers.

By connecting for-purpose organizations with skilled individuals, we aim to bring life to meaningful projects that will have a positive impact on our world.

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Work for Impact donates 6% of its revenue to charity.

Group 1507

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